Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Tiger Eye Beads Make Striking Magical Jewelry

Tiger Eye Beads Make Striking Magical Jewelry

What are tiger's eye beads
Colors range from a rich golden-yellow to dark-brown, as well as red tiger eye.

Benefits of tiger's eye
Tiger-eye is good for those worried about health. It's positive energy builds will-power and inner-strength. Traditionally it has been used to heal wounds, eyes, and the lower legs and feet - as well as for digestion and stomach problems. It's also said to bring spiritual well-being and psychic protection, plus attract beauty and abundance.
Tiger-eye is thought to not only attract wealth, but helps you to keep money by allowing you to consider all factors, like reducing greed or wastefulness. It is also a good gemstone for those tired or under stress, as it relaxes and allows you to clarify thought.
Tiger eye has been used for centuries. Roman soldiers wore it for protection, as they thought the stone looked like it could see more than the human eye.

Similarity to the tiger!

Some say other benefits of tiger-eye, are associated to the tiger. Bringing focus, balance, strength, clear sight, determination, courage and determination. The ideal stone to concentrate on a goal in life. The gemstone can bring you the patience necessary, like a tiger waiting hours before pouncing, to look ahead and plan a project or a new way of life.

Cat's & hawk's eyebeads

Similar stones are cat's-eye and hawk's-eye - all with bands of pearly luminescence creating a supernatural appearance.
Cat's-eye can be yellowish-brown to green with a white band, and is said to bring wealth and pleasure from your children.
Hawk's-eye or falcon's eye has a blue radiance. When a bright light source is directed at the side of the stone, one side of the eye will be milky white and the other remains colored. When the stone is rotated, the colors switch. It is believed to be very soothing and cool overwhelming sexual passion.

Use in jewelry

These natural type of beads make exciting jewelry. Cat's eye golden brown luminescent bands add mystique to designs made from it, creating a classical African effect. The gemstone is inexpensive and available in all shapes and sizes, faceted, loose beads, and by the strand. However, set in silver or mixed with silver findings, the final effect looks far from cheap.
Astrological sign: For those born under Capricorn, Pisces and Gemini.
By Nigel Hay Mckay

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6006053

Friday, 26 August 2011

What is tiger eye?

Author: Janet K. Nelson, Nelson Enterprises, 7/2006

Tiger eye or tiger’s eye is natural asbestos. Asbestos is a metamorphic mineral fiber that is considered part of the family called hydrous magnesium silicate. Ancient civilizations recognized asbestos’s resistance to fire. The name is derived from its historical use in lamp wicks. Ancient Egyptians used asbestos for burial cloths to protect the dead during their journey to the afterlife.
During volcanic events, the fibrous asbestos is replaced by iron-bearing quartz called limonite. This is what creates the dazzling golden luminous eye of the tiger that provides such elegant beauty in tiger eye stone.  Ancient Egyptians believed the beautiful tiger eye would bring good fortune and protect its bearer. They related this well-being to the sun which they worshiped as a god.

To this day, many people who study the chakra consider tiger eye a tool for health and well-being. The word chakra is Sanskrit for wheel or disk of life and signifies one of seven basic energy centers in the body. The wheel came from the chariot that carried the sun across the sky. The chakras and Kundalini came to be an integral part of yoga philosophy in the 7th century.
The beautiful semi-precious tiger eye gems that we enjoy are most commonly golden brown. Occasionally, the stone is blue/grey and is then called falcon’s eye or hawk eye.
Red tiger eye is created through heat treatment and is also called cherry tiger eye. Most modern day tiger eye comes from Australia, China and South Africa. It has a hardness of 7.0 on the Moh’s hardness scale. In 1822, Friedrich Moh, a German mineralogist devised a practical way of comparing hardness or scratch resistance in minerals. The scale is based on a rating of one to ten, with ten being the highest. One of the reasons for the popularity of tiger eye is its durability. Buyers should beware of imitation glass or plastic beads called cathaystone which is manufactured and not natural. Visit http://www.tigereyejewels.com to access a basic resource for quality tiger eye jewelry.

Regardless of what tiger eye jewelry you wear for everyday or a special occasion, you add a special expression of beauty, elegance and sophistication to your life. This expression has developed through a great history and desire for cultural and human well-being. 

Author Biography
Janet K. Nelson has done research and written articles on subjects that range from the cultural to the technical. She is an author noted for integrating information and providing a fresh, clear and whole-picture perspective on her subjects. She has written articles, manuals and perspectives for marketing, cultural, media and distribution organizations. Ms. Nelson has a double BA degree in Music and Speech Communications and a Masters Degree in Business Administration. More information is available via http://www.tigereyejewels.com

Friday, 5 August 2011

The Healing Properties of Tiger's Eye Crystal.

For those who believe there are healing powers, and a source of energy that lie in quartz and other stones the Tiger Eye crystal is a must have. You can purchase the Tiger's Eye crystal in many different forms of jewelry including bracelets, pendants, and necklaces. Whether you choose to purchase them for yourself or to give as a gift it's money well spent.

By wearing the Tiger's Eye crystal helps clear your mind of any annoying thoughts or stress. It's recommended that you carry it with you everywhere including when you drive to help keep yourself safe from any harm that may come your way. Also its power has the ability to attract wealth, good luck, keep away evil, and protect one's family and friends.

The benefits and healing power that the Tiger's Eye crystal offers is appreciated and respected by all those who wear it. The Tiger's Eye crystal encourages a passion for life and enhances your willpower and drives your will for success. It promotes not only clarity of intention, boosts self esteem, and gives courage, determination, and strength. These are all qualities that are needed in life to give individuals the happy, healthy life.

Places such as Africa use the Tiger's Eye crystal to ward off what's known as black magic. This is the mixture of evil spirits, evil doing, negative influences, and bad travel vibes. Those who believe that curses exist often keep the Tiger's Eye crystal close by.

The Tiger Eye crystal can be cleansed before ever sending it to someone as a gift or shipping it to a new location. This will help to prevent it from carrying negative energies along with it. To cleanse it, the Tiger Eye crystal should be kept in salt water overnight as a way to recharge its energy. Once it has been taken out of the salt water it should then be washed in fresh water and placed in the sun for 2-3 hours. This process should be done every 3 months at least. This allows the user to find their inner strength and light. The Tiger's Eye crystal should be protected from sharp blows or scratches so make sure to keep it in a safe place when it's not being worn or used.

The Tiger Eye's crystal often comes in a variety of shapes and is worn more often in beads or pendants than other pieces of jewelry. The Tiger's Eye crystal often consists of golden brown and yellow stripes which gives it its unique appeal. It's also referred to as the African cat's eye or crocidolite cat's-eye. It resembles that of a real tigers eye and received its name due to this.

Many individuals of the Zodiac sign regardless of age or sex benefit from the Tiger Eye crystal. It often helps to lessen or use in the healing process of several diseases including rheumatic, heart disease, psoriasis, and asthma.

For those looking for the perfect gift this is one that can be given out of love, and devotion to another. For those who understand the meaning behind the Tiger's Eye crystal, the present will be received with dignity and respect.

Articles From : http://www.articleclick.com/Article/The-Healing-Properties-of-Tiger-s-Eye-Crystal/1076469

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

A Selection of Tiger Eye Jewelry.

If you want to buy loose tiger eye stones, you can purchase a set of golden tiger eye stones, for less than $1 a piece. This collection of 9 polished tumbled golden tier eye stones, comes with a 3 times 4 inch bag. Each stone is polished to a high degree of smoothness and lustrous shine. The individual stones vary in size and shape. The minimal weight of the whole set of tigers eye stones is 4 ounces.

Tiger eye is an excellent stone for making prayer bracelets. Starting from this really, really cheap Tibetan Buddhist Bracelet (don't ask us what the catch is, we have no clue), the price can go up toward the moderate range, like in the caswe of the following elegant 108 beads tiger eye prayer necklace presented on the photo bellow.
Tiger eye is a gemstone that can be combined with an array of other stones. Here is our favorite combination - tiger eye, turquoise and white pearls. The pearls are fresh water cultivated pearls, the advantage being that they come at affordable price, retaining a great deal of beauty of the sea pearls jewelry. The photo could not possibly describe the quality of this piece. The stones are large which means that the overall weight of the necklace will be slightly higher than one would expect it, but not overly so. However, the beauty, color, and texture of the stones is unsurpassed - at least in our opinion.


The variation of sterling silver or 14k gold with golden or brown tiger's eye can be limitless. The deep, earthy tones of tiger eye make it suitable for all sort of jewelry items - be it earrings, drop earrings, rings, pendants, brooches - you name it. We cannot possible list here all the combinations of different gemstones that perfectly match tigers eye.

That's why it is ultimately up to you to select the price range, metal, combination of colors, and type of tiger eye jewelry you would like to wear. In any case, however, the beneficial influence of this wondrous stone will be there, constantly sending its soothing energies, encouraging you to take the next step on your life journey with courage and determination. 

Articles From : http://www.sunnyray.org/Purchasing-tiger-eye-online.htm

Reviews of Spiritual Products Of Tiger's Eye Stones and Jewelry

General Info

Tiger eye is a semi precious stone, but it is relatively inexpensive. You can buy it either as loose stone, or, more often, as an integral part of a jewelry article. Both ways, you will get the full range of its metaphysical properties. Look here if you are not already familiar with the spiritual and metaphysical properties of tigers eye. In short, it is an excellent stone for attracting prosperity and abundance. That is why many people choose to have it always in their pockets, around their wrists or their necks. That is, if they opt for wearing tiger eye jewelry. You can also read this information about how to charge tiger eye.

Once you have seen and touched this stone, you can never misidentify it. It is one of a kind type of gem. What makes it memorable are the oriented fibers that enable it to show chatoyancy (which is another name for a type of luminescent bands - more difficult to describe but quite easy to understand once you have seen this optical effect). The typical color of its alternating bands is yellow and brown.

Articles From : http://www.sunnyray.org/

Monday, 18 July 2011

Get the Beautiful Red Tiger Eye Heart Bracelet

Authored By:  Kirk Davids 
Selecting sterling silver heart bracelets Pieces for teens and youngsters
All girls enjoy to acquire jewelries as a gift from their relatives and protagonists. This is why internet jewelry shops and other stores are applying this chance to put up a bigger rank of sterling silver heart bracelets pieces that girls and babies would emphatically passion to sport. Each of these sterling silver heart bracelets jewels derive in different sizes and trends that are certain to meet your friend, daughter or niece. Do not see this an wasteful gift, here you can obtain few hints that may aid you realize sterling silver heart bracelets decorations that would survive for a ample time.

Sanctioned Figures are the Way to Function

You can find out enough of magnetic and spellbinding Designings that ornaments stores supply as portion of their sterling silver heart bracelets jewelry. All The Same, these vogues are a bit social function peculiar. That signifies they are nicest worthy for variant affair like Christmas or Halloween. Fend Off purchasing something very special for your friend or kid; or else take sterling silver heart bracelets compositions that are Orthodox in their forms which can be worn by your friend or minor in varied time of the year.

Go for the Charm

Charm bracelets are no dubiousness one of the most representative compositions imparted out to teens and babies during particular affairs. These are viewed as the greatest character of sterling silver heart bracelets parts that you can gift your baby or friend. These glorious bracelets hail in contrasting slim Designs and sizes that are positive to suit anyones wrist. You can receive charms in varied modes and Figures; you can select a numeral of iconic Conceptions as part of the charms and bracelets that apply your daughter or niece a diverse feeling.

Take Simple Jewelry Pieces

sterling silver heart bracelets parts commonly sustain two common forms: one is simplified processes of silver and gold and secondly crystals and jewels decorated jewelries. While you are planning to purchase sterling silver heart bracelets pieces to your supporter or young girl, it would be best to choose fashions that are pretty smooth and light, not inlaid with large stones. But if they wish heavy jewels you can move for the gem stones raised jewels for them. The profits of these jewelry is that these sterling silver heart bracelets compositions can well accompaniment contrary cases of getup that they unremarkably assume on functions and other regular parties. kids and young girls grow up reasonably quick even before you discover and the supplements some cannot compliment them and fit them in good order. But sterling silver heart bracelets pieces will persist with them for a extended time. Yet if they outgrow this, these sterling silver heart bracelets pieces may easily be mixed to other settings so that they can utilize it subsequently on.

Expect for Suggestions

You can claim you local jeweler for divers suggestions involving these jewels. They can jubilantly contribute hints on what type of sterling silver heart bracelets piece can befit you, your protagonist, or relation better. With their hints, you can easily select through the numerous attractively fashioned embellishes accessible on internet stores local jewelry store dependent on your budget and the person you are getting the embellishes for.

Monday, 11 July 2011


Treasure Hunting For Tiger Eye

Typically the Tiger Eye gemstone has rich yellow and golden brown strips. The yellow and brown strips resemble the striped eye of a tiger, hence the name. When polished the gemstone will have a very silky texture and is widely used in pendants, earrings and bracelets which is quite popular with teenagers and young adults.
The Tiger Eye is a quartz composite gemstone with a hardness of 7. This gemstone is created when crocidolite (asbestos) is replaced with iron and sodium similar to the process that creates petrified wood. During the process the crocidolite or asbestos is completely dissolved and the gemstone takes the fibrous formation and the some of the coloration of the crocidolite. This process creates the parallel lines giving the shifting play of light and movement.
The amount of hydrated oxide of iron will cause different colors and mixes of colors. A gemstone with a predominately golden brown collation with varying amounts of red, green or blue is called a Tiger Eye. Gray and greenish is called a Cats Eye, blue gray is known as Hawks Eye and a gemstone that is predominately reddish brown or mahogany is known as Bulls Eye or Ox Eye.
Cutting and sawing this gemstone is very tricky. Because the fibrous formation are usually twisted and seldom grows straight the cut must be exactly parallel to the formation. If the stone is not cut correctly you will end up with a lifeless hunk of rock. Research has shown the any dust produced while cutting a stone can be hazardous to your health so always take adequate precautions and avoid breathing any of the stone dust.
The best quality of the Tiger Eye gemstone comes from South Africa and Australia. Dr. Carol de Wet, the Minister of Mines for the Republic of South Africa put an embargo on the exportation of all uncut Tiger Eye gemstones. His intent was to create a monopoly on Tiger Eye gem products, finished and unfinished. Today it is very hard to find a piece of the rough gemstone.
This gemstone has been found in the Cuyuna Iron Range of Minnesota, however most of fibers are randomly oriented thus making this gemstone of a poor quality. Tiger Eye has also been found in Iowa Hill in Placer County, California and near the asbestos mines in Globe Arizona.
The Tiger Eye is said to have mystical powers. It is used for focusing the mine and to strengthen convictions and confidence and to facilitate commerce. It is said to protect the wearer during travel, lower high blood pressure and increase strength. Roman army solders were said to have worn this stone for protection in battle. It is also the anniversary stone for the 9th year of marriage.
This gemstone is thought to be ruled by the life-giving sun and is thought to be able to bring courage during dark times in a person's life. It is often mentioned as bringing luck and wealth, and so not only is it used for these sorts of purposes, but as well it is stunning and looks great in jewelry.
The Tiger Eye stone is perfect for all occasions, and when you get it strung on a sterling silver necklace or with a stone like ruby, it looks positively beautiful. When it comes to the care of this jewelry, more than anything you want to make sure that you protect it from scratches and sharp blows as best you can. Also avoid large temperature changes when possible, and purchasing a book on this would be the best idea so that you can turn to it when necessary.
Happy Treasure Hunting.
David Cowley has created numerous articles on Treasure Hunting. He has also created a Web Site dedicated to Treasure Hunting. Visit Treasure Hunting

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1764014